Our hope is that Ravenna Free Methodist is a place where you can discover
the wonderful life that God desires for each one of us
by helping you to connect with Him, with others
in our church community, and with those most in need in our community.
We invite you to explore our website to learn more about how you
and your family can connect at Ravenna FMC.
Making initial connections at a church can seem intimidating.

We desire to create ways that you can connect with us that are casual and commitment-free.

Following each service, please greet our pastor on your way out or stop and chat with a current member.

If you decide that Ravenna FMC is a place you would like to learn more about,
or would like to join us, we would be happy to begin a conversation with you.
Get Involved!
  • Think outside the box of ways you can get involved
  • Work on a mission project or committee
  • Join a Sunday school class or small group
  • Introduce yourself to the pastor
  • Do what works for you

Stay Connected

2620 S Ravenna Rd. Ravenna, MI 49451 | ravennafmc@gmail.com | 231-685-1074